5th Blog Post
I want to blog
1 i am excited
I am going on vacation soon and i am so excited. I am going to the ocean and boat
What hold on i thought i was going on a boat mom
I need a moment of silence
Blake is noisy
I need to focus
I guess thats better
Anyways lets start over
I am going on vacation soon and i am so sad because i wont get to be on a boat
Just kidding i am super excited still
I cant walk a lot but i dream of surfing
I dont think i ever will because i can barely balance on a bike
I will keep trying though because it i dont try to push my limits then i will never know what i am capable of
I actually try to skateboard now and it is so fun
I need a lot of support from my brother but it is better thAn nothing
I think skAte boarding is kinda like surfing too so it is close enough. Hang ten my friends
Thats all