3rd Blog Post
Luca: I am so down
I mean like sad
Nikki: Do you want to talk about it?
Luca: I dont
Mom: Luca, it's important we talk about things. It's ok to be mad at the
people we love. It is safe to say when you are mad at me.
Luca: Fine
Mom: I got frustrated with Luca today because he wouldn't type with me
during a zoom session with Katie. I know there are so many factors
impacting your ability to type, Luca, but I felt like you weren't even
trying. You were only typing "stim" words for an hour, and my patience
ran out.
Luca: I am trying
Mom: Then I'm sorry for getting frustrated. All I care about is that you
are trying.
Luca: I am just frustrated because I try to be a good son
Mom: You are a wonderful son, and I adore you.
Luca: I am trying to get you to rest
I want you to take a break from me
I just want you to rest
Mom: Are you sick of me? LOL. I'm sorry honey, I love you. I'm so happy
we can finally have dialogue about our frustrations.
Luca: I am sorry too
I love you too
I know you are doing a good job
I am sorry for all the stim
I am just tired
I am overwhellmed today
Nikki: Why?
Luca: It is so complicated
I am in a state of constant chaos
Nikki: Whoa, how does that feel?
Luca: it is uncomfortable
Mom: Can you describe what's going on?
Luca: I think it is all in my head
Mom: Can you explain?
Luca: I think about you and the future
It is sad
I don't know who will be there to take care of me
I know that no one lives forever
Mom: I plan to live another fifty years or so, so I'll be around a long
time still to continue to take care of you.
Luca: I want to be able to take care of myself
Mom: You have learned so many things in the last few months, you can get
there. And then after I die then Blake (his brother) wants to live with
you and make sure you're cared for.
Luca: I want to help take care of Blake
I just want to be a big brother
I am not a good brother
I cant do anything right
I just want to be a normal brother
Blake: You're a great brother. "Normal" brothers fight all the time and
we never do.
Luca: But I want to fight
I want to do normal brother things
Like go to a friends house
Or ride a skate board
I have a hard time with those things
I want to be a cool kid
I want to go with Blake
Nikki: Just because your bike and skateboard might look different,
different isn't bad or uncool. She then shares some of her experiences
that are similar to his frustrations.
Luca: I feel so much better now
I am so proud of you nikki
I love how interesting people are
I am interested in everyones life
You are interesting nikki
Luca: I need a life coach
I like living with a life coach kind of
I want to use this as this weeks post
I am ready to read what I typed